2) Conservative Values (2 of 5)
2) Conservative Values (2 of 5)
Apart from having no political background, Trump is often criticized on his commitment to the conservative values which could be described, at best, as shaky. Among the 2016 Republican nominees, Trump and Cruz stand at the opposite ends of the spectrum. Trump is the most liberal of the GOP candidates and Cruz, a tea-party Republican, takes pride sticking to his conservative roots.
But that’s not it. Trump has a history of swinging back-and-forth in terms of supporting a political party. As late as 2004, Trump identified as a Democrat and was full of praise for, none other than, Hillary Clinton. Yes! The very same Hillary Clinton he plans on running against today. He has also gone on record as saying, “It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats.” At one point, Cruz’s campaign distributed hand-outs comprising of a list of donations made by Trump to a number of democratic candidates in the past. And there’s more. His views on abortion went from being pro-choice in 1999, to pro-life in the current campaign.
Cruz, on the other hand, stands as a bastion of Republican values. One of the primary concerns of Republican voters seems to be an emphasis on the political leanings of the candidates. We can discern a clear divide among the right-wing and the relatively liberal voters of the Republican Party, each supporting the candidate that reflects their political views.
Oh THAT’S easy. Cruz LIES!! Mr Trump DOES NOT!!!
You must be living in backwardlandia!