1) He Personally Opposes the Death Penalty (1 of 10)
1) He Personally Opposes the Death Penalty (1 of 10)
Tim Kaine may have overseen 11 executions as governor of Virginia, but he is personally opposed to the death penalty. He has however, said that his personal beliefs take a back seat when it comes to political and legal implications.
In 2012 he told the Washington Post:
“I really struggled with that as governor. I have a moral position against the death penalty, but I took an oath of office to uphold it. Following an oath of office is also a moral obligation.”
Kaine is little Ritchie Rich Kid who has the personality of a hemroid.
Are you saying that Hillaroid the hemorrhoid picked Kaine because he is a hemorrhoid also?
Birds of a feather.
Oh come on! you love sucking on Republican hemorrhoids. Give Kaine a chance or you can suck Trumps tiny balls.
glad we got that spelling cleared up. We ciould never elevate either one of them past that levcel.
Kaine is connected to many Muslim groups but never talks about it. I wonder why ?
Not a little biased, are you? Kaine gets the soft shoe and Pence is portrayed as the monster. ..
Pence is a lunatic. He should live in the 1500’s
There were only 5 things.
Kaine is a hack that will do as he is told if shillary rolls a seven. He also has some corruption issues
for accepting “gifts in excess of 100,000 dollars. THESE are the people that we have to get rid of.. A whle family of hacks for generations on the public dole.
Kaine is a Countell Op of the CIA Drug War operative.Smuggeling in Underaged Teen Girls and Boys Set Up for the,eyes wide shut Ruling Class with Cheap labor slavery.Soon he will belong to the Bohemian Grove Society as he was a partaker when he was Initiated at 13 years old.
The American people are sheep
They listen to lies and will allow Killary the satanic NWO witch to destroy America
The Clintons are guilty of Treason and high Crimes and belong in prison
The Election is a Sham
The End Times
Why does Tim Kaine resemble the Grinch?
You forgot to mention him slinging arms to the Sandanistas’ with Father James Carney during his Jesuist mission. Ah nothing like having a Marxist in the on deck circle.
He”s almost as inept as good Ole Joe Biden.
He looks like a pedophile
you look like a sexual predator
Like Hillary, he as a lawyer defended horrible criminals, some murderers..and was able to get them released…Look him and his cases up…He is a ghoul like Hillary…
more political BS!
He was obnoxious in the debate with Mike Pence! He hurt Hillary Clinton as a candidate. And that is saying something as Hillary Clinton was a terrible choice for Democrats! Now the worst Democrat in politics is Andrew Cuomo in NYS! Fact is don’t headline that he has never been beat in an election. He was in this one and it was a shot heard around the world. He might as well get out of politics! He is done!
that’s all you could come up with. that’s a mighty short list.
It is with great relief this country has finally turned against an attempt to destroy it. Don’t believe this was just an issue of voting regulations, or protocol. We have just barely denied an attempt to steal the assets of the United States of America. It might not be over. Don’t celebrate too soon, because nobody has been punished for the treason unvolved.
We are very fortunate to have a swelling support for last week’s judgement. The new president has a a ruptured and indebted country to save, and he needs the patriots to help him. He does not need any of the cretins in the Democratic Party to fawn to him. Their punishment should be treated in a real court, not the corrupted court in session. This is not revenge, as they will cry, but resurrection.
My comments have been recorded and logged for several years by a devious group called DISQUS, which I believe to be associated to the evil cabal bent on he destruction of this country. I notice this group has backed off, unsure, maybe of their future. I will help destroy DISQUS for their crimes.
Puff piece, and we don’t buy it. The only way Kaine or Hillary should get into the White House is if they buy a ticket like the rest of the general public.
Kaine was scary when he debated Pearce on TV. He was agitated, irrational, unfocused on the issues. Because he had so little to bring to the debate all he could say to Pearce is “When is Trump going to release his taxes?” He was just short but not by much of a Saturday Night Live act.
Kaine to me anyway when he smiles he reminds me of the pictures of the devil I saw as a kid. He is nothing but a mouth that never stops. Glad he and the Benghazi Murderer are not going to be in command of theUSA. I haven’t seen him jumping in o this recount thing tho so might just have better sense than I thought.
He reminds me a lot of kasich, both make me want to puke.
His church should excommunicate him for his public position on abortion and his attempt to have those policies made law. Anyone in politics protected by the gun should not deny the rest of us the same protection.Every time he votes for a gun law he breaks his oath to protect the constitution.
I personally was involved in a custody hearings in the Hanover County Virginia juvenile and Domestic relations court back in 1990-92 where he was responsible for having Nina K. Piece appointed to the bench and she was a DICTATOR. I was the second case he had ever had and she did a really good job of screwing up my family along with others that came after me. I eventually had her brought up on charges with the Senate Judicial Inquiry Commission in which I testified along with numerous other individuals and was successful in having her removed from the bench. Tim Kane testified on Nina K. Peace behalf as to what a wonderful person she was not even knowing how she ran her court and he also enlisted others to give her a wonderful recommendation but fortunately I had all of my hearings transcribed and the committee removed her from the bench. All of this is a matter of public record if you want to take the time to look it up.