Tim Kaine: 10 Facts about Hilary Clinton’s Vice President


1) He Personally Opposes the Death Penalty (1 of 10)

He Personally Opposes the Death Penalty

1) He Personally Opposes the Death Penalty (1 of 10)


Tim Kaine may have overseen 11 executions as governor of Virginia, but he is personally opposed to the death penalty. He has however, said that his personal beliefs take a back seat when it comes to political and legal implications.

In 2012 he told the Washington Post:

“I really struggled with that as governor. I have a moral position against the death penalty, but I took an oath of office to uphold it. Following an oath of office is also a moral obligation.”



  1. Henry
    • deb
      • jr
      • Elizabeth
      • Donald E. Clark
    • Steve rymas
  2. JBC
  3. Dede
  5. denodog
  6. Jimmy Fallen
  7. DAR
  8. Peted
  9. Donald Bondi
  10. Sally Powers
  11. Mildin
    • Elizabeth
  12. Sheryl Bailiff
  13. David in MA
  14. David Jphnson
  15. keith
  16. Donald E. Clark
  17. david5300
  18. Steve
  19. SgtYork
  20. deplorable
  21. ScrotusMaximus
  22. O.T.