1) He is the Highest Paid Governor in the History of Indiana (1 of 26)
1) He is the Highest Paid Governor in the History of Indiana (1 of 26)
When Mike Pence took office in 2013 as the newly elected governor of Indiana, his yearly salary was about $112,000.
Even though his annual salary is less than national average, which sits at $131,000 each year, it is the highest salary ever paid to a governor in Indiana.
Interesting 10 points, you sold me Im in for Trump
It definitely sold me on Pence, although I liked him anyway. Not sold on Trump yet, although I agree he meets the low bar of being better than Hillary.
hey richard AND PHIffy buster you bath seem half awahe or just drink because trump is an american business man with ties to america and getting it back from the brink wtf would ant american patriot vote for clinton she is vowing to keep the destrution of our country in full speed ahead
Why don’t you do your homework before you splatter this post with your BS. I give you just the last week what people discover about Donald Trump. Read the post about the possibility that Donald Trump did not file federal taxes for the last 18 year, which would give him an extra $50,000 a year. Then look for the New York Attorney General who has order that Trump would not accept anymore donations for his charity. Then look for Trump enriching himself with $150,000 from the terror attack n 9/11.
That’s the good art. Now, you need to look into three women allegations of rape, filed at the Manhattan Federal Court. How about hiring more than 200 illegal Polish workers and paying them $5 an hour for twelve hours a day. Trump denied his 500 workers in Las Vegas the union after they had gotten the union only to see his managers un-unionize them. Trump refused to pay his 500 workers workers compensation. Donald Trump has kept shouting about China taking our jobs. 98% of his products are made in China, Bangladesh, San Salvador, Honduras, include his suits made in Mexico. His wife Melania has all her products in China. His daughter Ivanka has over 600 items imported and over 350 items mad in China. Donald Trump refused 94% of American application in favor of Latin Americans for his resort in Florida. Then, Trump said that “Americans don’t want to do those jobs. Please check this post before you go on a rampage. Everything on this past is true. And, you will keep saying the same B.S
They didn’t say he didn’t FILE tax returns, he said he hasn’t PAID taxes. Big difference. What he has done, is used the LEGAL means to avoid paying taxes. Even people with very modest incomes are able to avoid PAYING taxes using the LAW. You will find that almost every person will use all LEGAL means to AVOID PAYING taxes. Turbo Tax advertises they will help you get EVERY LEGAL deduction to minimize your tax bill. The current tax laws are a burden on businesses (which pay the majority of taxes in this country) and most move their manufacturing outside the US to MINIMIZE taxes. Trump wants to DECREASE the corporate tax rate giving these businesses a reason to bring the manufacturing BACK to the USA which will increase tax revenue and INCREASE JOBS. I realize basic economics is beyond most people in this country, but give it a try.
Sandro panty hose Spano, you are a disgrace for any human being, speaking of facts, Donald Trump is a business man, he owes it to his company and his employees to make money, HE DID NOT refuse to pay 500 employees, pull your head out of manure and just saying, use spell check to make sure you can write and spell correctly. With all of that said, put your head back into the **** and try to be a human being. You are Hispanic and you believe everything you hear from the Clinton campaign, leads me to believe you cannot comprehend.
No matter-say anything you like, but HILLARY sucks and TRUMP didn’t have to run for Prez. He has plenty power already so it’s not about that. I do think he will keep us safer and he at least has a conscience and Hillary not so much!!!
Seems to me you are probably a “never Trump” person. Unable to look past mistakes of the past. Unable to believe that circumstances and God changes people, unable to even give him a chance to see what he can do. Unable to quit spreading the crap that keeps people all up in the air. This nation cannot come together with this much hatred for one another.
You know when Obama was elected there were many of us that thought it was a terrible thing, but you did not see us in the streets causing havoc, destruction of other people’s property, UNPEACEFUL PROTESTING. WE KNEW IT WAS REALLY IN GODS HANDS. Christians learned a very costly lesson and almost lost our country to a man that was destroying us from the inside to make us a global nation with more government so they could control everything about us. Our health, our money, our jobs. Thank God for giving us another chance. This turned us back to God and let us know that we cannot be silent and tolerable of everyone and everything! Evil runs rabid when we sit back and do nothing!
How about praying more and learning from lessons taught and loving people more. Acting as civilized human beings instead of wild beast. Then see what can happen! Just saying.
Ha…I wonder if you still feel that way. He is despicable. And really, what exactly has Hillary done? She is so threatening to men who can’t stand the idea of a woman as intelligent and strong willed as she is leading our country but we need her to fight for what is right. She has what it takes to keep this country on the path of maintaining our place globally as a leader, not. Smoke. An example, not a tabloid headline. A country others aspire to be like..not a country that is dying and only catering to the wealthy while the income disparity grows. I’m with her because she will help the next generation get an education, fix Obamacare, have an even temper, and represent our country with dignity and respect. The GOP knows they have people on the ballot that are big risks and know now that this is a losing battle. When the GOP won’t vote for their candidate, it’s time for citizens to follow their lead and stop being so deluded.
The Koch Brothers are not huge fans of Trump. In fact, the Koch Brothers have been vocal about NOT supporting Trump, you rubes. They’ve even suggested that Clinton would make a better President, to such a degree that Clinton herself felt compelled to state publicly that she would not take Koch money. Good lord, how do you have the gall to even consider yourself any sort of news outlet?
Four years after spending heavily in a futile effort to prevent President Barack Obama’s second term, the Kochs have pushed all of their resources down ballot. And their resources are ample: They’re on track to spend about $250 million on policy and politics in the two years leading to Election Day.
The brothers and many of their wealthy donor friends who fund the political and policy groups known as the Koch network have no interest in backing Trump. In a television interview in April, Charles Koch called Clinton and Trump “terrible role models” and trashed Trump’s “monstrous” proposal for a temporary ban of foreign Muslims entering the U.S.
Like him even more after reading some of these. I already knew most of them because I make it my business to be an informed voter and he mirrors my family’s values pretty darn closely.
Keep religion out of politics……..
That’s the problem, we set back and tolerated for so long because we thought we were supposed to show love by being tolerant of others. WRONG!!! Look where that got us! Down an Obama road of destruction of the family, telling us that God has no place in America, taking our rights one by one, making us more dependent on the government, giving handouts to everyone. We cannot even afford to take care of our own. Our country should be like our family. We take care of her first, then help other countries if possible. Doing the right thing does not always mean giving in to stupidity or simple madness. God gave us a mind and a book to guide us how to live a life pleasing to Him. When we do that everything else works out the way it should. When we don’t, His wrath comes upon us. He loves us as an earthly father loves his children and He wants what is best for us. He tells us how to have that life in the Bible. Just ‘sayin’
Heck, I like Pence even more after reading the 10 points. I guess this is all supposedly to be really scary for leftists, but for conservatives like me it made me like Pence even more.
I agee, these liberal nuts don’t have a clue
Hope your family is more forgiving than mine. If I brought my family down to Dufuss Donald’s level they would beat the crap out of me ~~~!!!
Nothing wrong with any of this. By the way, Indiana did not ban abortions. And “discriminating” means a business owner gets to decline business customers without the threat of a law suit. No liberal bias here.
“Mike Pence ideas that will turn your stomach”???? Then…nothing in the “article.” Another headline designed to inflame with no substance to back it up. Even more reason to vote Republican…and I don’t even like Trump as a choice!
WOW. Outright lie about Koch’s supporting Trump.Do you even google before you spew this shit out?
True, Koch liked Pence Cruz, Walker, Rubio, Rand, and Kasich, but he never liked Trump.
If this info was supposed to shock people into voting for killary, it should be posted with other ‘fails’.
These things mentioned will only strengthen the resovle of Conservitive Americans to support Trump!
Yes, it definitely made me like Pence even more than I already did. If Pence was heading the ticket, instead of number 2, I would be in joyous enthusiasm.
I guess the point of the article is to ward off any potential Democratic voters.
His Republican credentials are better than Trump’s
Yes, pretty much every supposedly horrible rumor they listed made me like Pence even more than I already did. In fact I wish he was heading the ticket, not Trump.
AND YOUR PROBLEM IS WHAT?? I have none-w/anything you are showing abt. Pence. In fact, we all knew most of it & what you’ve shown just re-enforces my opinion that he is what we need for VP!!!!
yes he makes a ideal puppet for his loud mouth lying trump mentor
Danna Stevens – just ask the great people of Indiana about Mike Pence – you will for sure change your mind!
Trump might be the greatest “candidate of protest”, for instance against media crap like this article, in the history of the Union. Plenty aren’t voting for Trump because they LIKE him, they’re voting for him because they HATE the lib shill media that hates him. I’m probably one of them, though I’d argue I hate Hillary Clinton far more than I hate the media.
Ronald Reagan was a campus radical and democrat when he was young. As Winston Churchill said:
A young man who is not a liberal has no heart; an old man who is not a conservative has no brain.” The Democratic Party has let the radical left take over and is pushing the race -based hatred agenda to take absolute power in this country.
I couldn’t have said it better. They think half of America has no brain. An can’t see all this bull. The Koch brothers have always supported Hillary . along with the rest of Americas millionaires. Look at all the movie stars’ all the big banks.She’s going to take money from these people / they are going to start paying there share. Who are they trying to fool. ( I am a women)
Pence is just another evangelical nut job. He actually wants to ban condoms, because they break and cause abortions. This is not even close to rational. Why not just spay all the women and then we won’t have any either? This is just a Pence fluff piece that is about as honest as Donny Draft Dodger. Just sayin.
As a Christian, I am apalled at your denial of the Republican party’s intent to destroy unions, eliminate the minimum wage, privatize social security and medicare, give polluters free reign to harm public health, and restrict voting rights just as a starting point.
Another do nothing conservative. He should be with his do nothing buddys in congress. Better yet he and Donald, is it Duck? Oh no Trump! They need a long vacation to Aleppo. Be sure they take their guns with them. Good hunting!
I don’t have time to itemize, but many of the statements made here about Pence are simply untrue. Do your own honest research instead of trusting clickbait junk articles like this. Very intellectually dishonest (probably intentionally).
People who is stupid to vote for Trump and Pence, I live in the state of Indiana, when he past that reform bill the state lost a lot of revenue, if it wasn’t for the Republican mayor of Indianapolis and for businesses putting signs in windows say we serve everyone, it would have been worst. Companies were or will be pulling out their companies because of that law he past. We lost Convention revenue for that stupid bill he past (by the way in his office with religious leaders there) The public did not know about it until the day before. And he close down PP clinic in a couple of counties, they did not have any clinics period, so we had and epidemic of Aid and STD by sharing drugs. It go so bad that Pence had to open those clinics to have needle exchange. At least the Indiana SC denial the abortion law that he enacted. The article does not say that the woman kept call the governor office tell him about their period. It was called PERIOD FOR PENCE. See Pence used his religious beliefs on the citizen of the State of Indiana, to pass laws that suite him. And the article is right about one thing, the referendum and the abortion bill, did not set to good with the citizen of Indiana, so he was having trouble in the polls for governorship. So when Trump offer him the job of VP he jump on it, see he was going to run for President but since he past those bills, his popularity took a nose drive, so that screw him to run for Presidency. (which I am glad it did). We got him out of Indiana politics, and I and others are hoping we get him out of the VP.
Pence sign with the devil himself, and with Hitler. He sold his soul to Trump, and I am hoping that Trump loose, because Pence cannot run for any office until 2018 which is fine with me.
Just liking John Kennedy does not make one a Democrat. I very much like John Kennedy and very much hate the Democratic party. It’s also Sooo much different today than it was then, back when it truly was a respectable alternative to the Republican party. Now it’s Only about doing things to get the gay, Mexican, and black votes, no matter what those things are, whether they’re good for the country or not.
I hope all the rumors about Pence are true, since most of them made me like him a lot more, so much more I would have preferred he headed the ticket instead of Trump. One thing they missed though, Koch does like Pence, but he repeatedly said he did not like Trump.
So what I didn’t see anything bad about Pence, you pickin people seem to think these people didn’t have a life before they run for President, I think some of you PICKERS should look in a mirror and think where/what you have been doing all through your life, I bet it’s worse than any of Trumps or Pence’s life. GET OVER IT 1
He lied and lied. Is that what you like?
Stupid liberal sh*t!
Clinton News Network.. stop sucking on Hillarys ass
Your comment that 97% of scientists agree on global warming is pure hogwash. this number came from a very unscientific study conducted by some folks in Australia that had an agenda to push. (7% of scientists don’t agree on anything, let alone global warming. Do a little research before repeating lies that have become urban legend. Check out Prager University or any number of other sources that will show you how stupid such a comment really is.
CNN = Clinton’s News Network
To our beloved IRS
We thank you for being so flexible with donald trump!!!!
Imagine , we pay our tax???????
And if we failed? We get fine????
And donald trump is exempted??????
Thank you dear beloved IRS?????
Sincerely, honest tax payer
He isn’t exempted from paying taxes, he hasn’t PAID taxes. Big difference. What he has done, is used the LEGAL means to avoid paying taxes. Even people with very modest incomes are able to avoid PAYING taxes using the LAW. You will find that almost every person will use all LEGAL means to AVOID PAYING taxes. Turbo Tax advertises they will help you get EVERY LEGAL deduction to minimize your tax bill. Approximately 50% of the income earners in this country don’t PAY taxes through LEGAL exemptions (deductions) and TAX CREDITS. The current tax laws are a burden on businesses (which pay the majority of taxes in this country) and most move their manufacturing outside the US to MINIMIZE taxes. Trump wants to DECREASE the corporate tax rate giving these businesses a reason to bring the manufacturing BACK to the USA which will increase tax revenue and INCREASE JOBS. I realize basic economics is beyond most people in this country, but give it a try.
Good heavans, where do the Republicans drag up these troglodytes?
No one recalls Andrew Jackson and or Teddy Roosevelt they spoke their mind. Trump tells the truth unlike Hillary. Hillary has 33,000 lies. Any of us would go to federal prison over 33,000+ classified emails.
No one gets it Benghazi Clinton has blood on her hands.
We lost one of our best General(s) of modern times from mishandling emails.
Trump was wrong making horrible statements regarding women. Trump said he apologized. Oh no ! so horrible….and Benghazi is just gone..we never leave men behind. Those men died very horrible deaths.
Your article meant to demean Pence was a total failure, instead you just enlightened us about how he would make an ideal president rather than a woman full of hate. I read all 22 items you posted about Pence and you unwillingly made him the best choice to lead this country. He would take the stink out of the current Congress and it’s 535 misfits.
Pence has now gone from a christian to a pagan. It matters not how tightly he holds his nose, the BS will continue to permeate his other senses!
Have all these women who profess to have been inappropriately touched by Donald Trump been given a lie detector test or have they provided some evidence of what they are claiming? Is it possible they were paid by someone in the Clinton campaign? Most definitely yes. I am not surprised by anything Clintons will do to win.
I Agree with that !!!
Kosh brothers did not support Trump they done everything against him in the primaries. At the last they even wanted Rubio instead. They sent out millions of email to help support their fund against Trump but after he won the Primaries the email stopped.
The Koch Network does NOT support Trump. Check out the info from the Southern Cali get together in January 2017.
I am sold. I am glad that he is the Vice President of the United States. I didn’t see anything at all that would give me pause. But then I love the USA and am not a socialist nor a communist nor a democrat. Compared to his competition he should be considered for sainthood. His competitor came across as absolutely deranged with conduct in the debate that could best be described as unhinged.
In the debate he actually brought out the fact that if his son or Kaine’s son (both serve in military) had mishandled classified material like Hillary Clinton the expected result would be prison.