10 Things You Never Knew About Kris Jenner


1) She Is Allergic To Bees                                                            (1 of 10)


1) She Is Allergic To Bees                                                            (1 of 10)



If Kris Jenner gets stung by a bee, she has to quickly take action to stop the pain and the itching. If she delays action, it could cost her her life.

For this reason, she always has to carry an EpiPen. If she is allergic to bees, does that mean she is allergic to honey as well?

She is not allergic to honey or money, as she has several honeys lined up after her separation and divorce from her second husband.

As for money, she has her children working their charm on the reality show, in paparazzi pictures, and on the runway. Go, Kendall, you work it, gurl!
