10 Reality Shows That Are Actually Scripted


2) Big Brother (2 of 10)

Big Brother

2) Big Brother (2 of 10)


We finished the 17th season of Big Brother in 2015, and CBS has already agreed to air another season in 2016. The popular reality show offers live feeds where viewers can track the houseguests 24/7, and watchers claim the feeds often show a very different story than what’s shown on TV.

Big Brother has been accused of rigged competitions multiple times, and former contestants also say the producers tailored competitions to favor popular competitors. For example, Rachel Reilly from Big Brother 13 miraculously saved herself and Jordan Lloyd from eviction after Porsche Briggs opened Pandora’s Box. Fans also claimed the veto competition was thrown together at the last minute and designed to favor Reilly’s strengths.



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