7 Reasons Hillary Clinton Can Be Beat


1) The Benghazi Incident                                                           (1 of 7)


1) The Benghazi Incident                                                           (1 of 7)



On September 11, 2012 in Benghazi, Libya, Islamic militants ambushed and attacked the headquarters of J. Christopher Stevens, the United States Ambassador, and Sean Smith, the United States Foreign Service Information Management Officer, killing them both.

On the same day, Islamic militants attacked and killed Glen Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods, two CIA contractors, and injured ten. Since then, this ordeal has hung over the head of Hillary Clinton and may cause her to lose the Democratic vote to her opponent, Bernie Sanders.

At a recent Democratic debate, Jorge Ramos, the moderator for Univision, brought up the accusations against the presidential candidate regarding the Benghazi incident. He targeted her trustworthiness, asking her about the email she sent to her daughter about the terrorist group Al Qaeda held responsible for the attacks and why some families of the victims think she is lying about the facts of the case.

The victims’ families believe the anti-Muslim video did not play a role, but it was a mischaracterization on their part. However, Clinton says that it was partially the cause for the attack and that the attack was not pre-planned. If people do not believe Hillary’s word, it could lead to her downfall this election.



  1. HealthyHombre
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