1) The Benghazi Incident (1 of 7)
1) The Benghazi Incident (1 of 7)
On September 11, 2012 in Benghazi, Libya, Islamic militants ambushed and attacked the headquarters of J. Christopher Stevens, the United States Ambassador, and Sean Smith, the United States Foreign Service Information Management Officer, killing them both.
On the same day, Islamic militants attacked and killed Glen Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods, two CIA contractors, and injured ten. Since then, this ordeal has hung over the head of Hillary Clinton and may cause her to lose the Democratic vote to her opponent, Bernie Sanders.
At a recent Democratic debate, Jorge Ramos, the moderator for Univision, brought up the accusations against the presidential candidate regarding the Benghazi incident. He targeted her trustworthiness, asking her about the email she sent to her daughter about the terrorist group Al Qaeda held responsible for the attacks and why some families of the victims think she is lying about the facts of the case.
The victims’ families believe the anti-Muslim video did not play a role, but it was a mischaracterization on their part. However, Clinton says that it was partially the cause for the attack and that the attack was not pre-planned. If people do not believe Hillary’s word, it could lead to her downfall this election.
LOL … almost every prediction proven absolutely wrong just this past Super Tuesday. Who is the hack who wrote this biased piece of garbage?
your mother
I have been wondering about why Whites are racists, and no other race is…
Proud to be White
Michael Richards makes his point…
Michael Richards better known as Kramer
from TVs’ Seinfeld does make a good point.
This was his defense speech in court
after making racial comments in his comedy act.
In it he raised a few interesting points…
Someone finally said it.
But how many are actually paying attention to this?
There are African Americans,
Mexican Americans,
Arab Americans, etc.
And then there are just Americans…
You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction.
You call me ‘White boy’, ‘Cracker’, ‘Honkey’, ‘Whitey’, ‘Caveman’… And that’s OK…
But when I call you Nigger, Kike,
Towel head, Sand-nigger, Camel Jockey, Beaner, Gook, or Chink… You call me a racist.
You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you…
So why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live in?
You have the United Negro College Fund.
You have Martin Luther King Day.
You have Black History Month.
You have Cesar Chavez Day.
You have Yom Hashoah.
You have Ma’uled Al-Nabi.
You have the NAACP.
You have BET…
Imagine if we had WET
(White Entertainment Television)…
we’d be racists.
If we had a White Pride Day,
you would call us racists.
If we had White History Month,
we’d be racists.
If we had any organization for whites only to ‘advance’ OUR lives, we’d be racists.
We have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a Black Chamber of Commerce, and then we just have the plain Chamber of Commerce.
Wonder who pays for that???
A white woman could not be in the
Miss Black American pageant,
but any color can be in the Miss America pageant.
If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships… You know we’d be racists.
There are over 60 openly proclaimed
Black Colleges in the US …
Yet if there were ‘White colleges’,
that would be a racist college.
In the Million Men March, you believed that you were marching for your race and rights.
If we marched for our race and rights,
you would call us racists.
You are proud to be black, brown and orange,
and you’re not afraid to announce it.
But when we announce our white pride,
you call us racists.
You rob us, carjack us, and shoot at us.
But, when a white police officer shoots a black gang member or beats up a black drug dealer running from the law and posing a threat to society, you call him a racist.
I am proud… But you call me a racist.
Why is it that only whites can be racists???
There is nothing improper about this e-mail…
But let’s see which of you are proud enough to send it on.
I sadly don’t think many will.
That’s why we have LOST most of OUR RIGHTS
in this country.
We won’t stand up for ourselves!
It’s not a crime YET…
But getting very close!
EXACTLY! One more point White Lives Matters! Except when whites protest we get killed. Remember the protests in the 70′ at Kent State University in Ohio?
In addition Christianity is being attacked. A coach gets fired for praying with his team. No prayer or pledge of allegiance to the flag in school. Safe space in colleges. Kneeling on one knee for the National Anthem, on national TV. Burning the American flag during the Presidential Conventions, on national TV. If you don’t honor our Nation hand over your citizenship to someone who genuinely does. Wake up PEOPLE your handing over our Country to the Terrorists and the Evil regime’s in the world who are laughing everyday at us. They can’t wait to overrule this country our country. So quit smirking about trivial matters and get your act together.
You’re my hero.
you have KKK
As an African American female, I have never looked at this subject from this viewpoint. It is definitely worth investigating with a very open mind. I have never responded to any comments or articles that I’ve ever read online, but I really appreciate your honesty. Everyone should feel comfortable expressing themselves in a tactful and responsible way without fear of being “political correct”.
Dare to approach this subject with an open mind and scrape away bias and propaganda, and you will come to the conclusion that we have been taught a lie. That lie is only whites can be racists. Makes me ill.
Michael Richards is a very smart and extremely talented man. EVERY thing he says is IRREFUTABLE refutable fact. Why are the press and mainstream TELEVISION PEOPLE SO BLIND? BECAUSE THEY DO NOT LIKE AMERICA AS THEY ARE ALL SOCIALIST!!
Why has no one brought up: “The Clinton Body Bag List”?
Totally agree. She is basically a mobster.
Don’t you really want to take a chance in destroying America by loosing to Trump if Hillarry iwins the nomination? ?
All pools shows Sanders beating Trump by double digit (large number ) while Hillary beats Trump by a very low single digit .
My question to Hillary supporters … Really , you want to take a chance to put that Biggott , Warmonger, hatefull person and all what Trump qualifications would mean in the White House. You want to take that chance only because Hillary is a women…Really?..
I believe that Mrs. Clinton is a bloodthirsty sociopath. Trump is a phony who is just there to scare us into voting for her. It won’t work on me. I don’t trust her to make appointments to the SCOTUS either, so that does not work on me. I wouldn’t vote for her if Bernie begged me to. #BernItDown #BernTheDNC #BernieOneWayOrAnother #OnlyBernieBeatsTrump #BernieOrBust #BernieOrBastille #NeverHillary #IndictHillary #HillaryForPrison2016
Killary is a dirty rag that doesnt deserve to hang on the back of a garbage truck!!!! She is an evil thief, liar, and thug, and is detestable!!!!! I wouldnt hire her to shine my shoes, much less be in charge of this country!!!!! Heck no, she must go!!!!!!
People knew (and still know) very little about Bernie. He is nothing more than a career politician with a loud mouth and he yells the same things now as he did when he was on food stamps for years after he graduated from (Hillary & Obama’s) University of Chicago college.
His appeal is more to young white college students than anyone else.
The “principle” on which the Republicans are basing their refusal to ‘advise and consent’
on Pres. Obama’s Supreme Ct nomination is absolutely BOGUS – and goes against what the Constitution (which they claim to be more concerned about than the Dems) says about the nominating process.
None of the cases in which Dems resisted conforming a Republican Pres.’s nominee were ANYTHING as egregious as what the Repubs are doing. Mitch McConnell is a petty, ‘small-minded’ person.
John, I’am sure as a Dem you are aware that the Senate counsel has reviewed their options and find nothing in the Constitution that prevents their action. Do you recall Sen. Biden addressing this issue a few years back. What are the majority in Congress doing that is so egregious? Your negro leader has divided this country so badly, I think a few stops on the liberal agenda is needed.
I second that emotion
Yah. That guy who rescued us from the Bush depression, killed Bin Laden, insured 20M more people (and yet health expenditures increased only 3% down from 6%), slowed down the growth of the federal deficit, initiated private space flight. Terrible guy. Terrible. As for dividing, kind of like someone punching you and you getting the blame for, I don’t know, how you look.
Where did you get your Kool aid stupid? Do you really believe Dumbo did all that?
I wouldn’t call the infamous “Stimulus Packages” reducing the deficit.
BlarryB there was no Bush depression, it was a recession. Do you even know the difference? The recession was caused by a series of large bank failures. The failure of these banks were a result of a collapse in the housing market. The housing market collapse was cause by defaults of subprime mortgages. Ninety percent of the subprime mortgages were issued as direct result of the Clinton housing policy. Hence, while the collapse took place while GW Bush was in office, it was his Democrat predecessor (Clinton) who caused the collapse as subsequent recession. Furthermore, President Bush warned Barney Frank (Democrat, House chair on Housing) and Chris Dodd (Democrat, Senate chair on Housing) that there was a problem comming down the tracks in the housing market. President Bush was ignored by the Democrats. Moreover, John McCain tried to introduce legislation to fix the housing market, the Democrats on the committee wouldn’t allow it to come to the floor for a vote. Thus when you complain about the Republican caused recession, you are looking at the wrong party! Obama didn’t kill Bin Laden, our military did, but only with intelligence derived from Bush’s enhanced interrogation techniques. Obummer claims to have insured 20 million people, but the number is more like 7 million, and most of those people were people who’s policies were cancelled because of Obamacare regulations. Not sure what you mean by health expenditures but premiums and deductibles have increase 35 to 50%. Taxes have also increase as a result of Obummercare! The Republican sequester has lowered the deficit, but that is only after Obama ran trillion dollar deficits 5 years in a row! What is worse is that he has more than doubled our national debt! That means Obama has accumulated more debt than all the president from George Washington to George W. Bush combined! Do you know the difference between the deficit and the national debt? He didn’t initiate private space flight! That’s just flat out nonsense. He did slash the NASA budget and now embarrassingly we have to hitch rides with Russia to get to the space station. He is a terrible guy. On the world stage he has demonstrated nothing but weakness. Our allies don’t trust us, and our enemies don’t respect or fear us! On the domestic front he has acted like a lawless dictator. He has used his executive power to issue despotic edicts. He has ignored laws or altered laws, both in violation of the Constitution. He has aggressively encroached on our freedoms, while pushing the agenda of sexual deviants. He has created a divided country, not just with un-Constitutional and un-Ameican policies, but by intentionally pitting one group of Americans against another. He is without a doubt, one of the worst presidents in U.S. history!
Not one word you just wrote is anywhere near the truth.
What world do you live in? The ME World! With the rest of the DNC. D is for Demagogue. Christopher Donegan is write on. More accurately, Obama is the WORST President in History. He didn’t deserve to become Americas first Black President. Hillary doesn’the qualify to become the first Woman President. Trump is the only one who can save our Nation. He’s an outsider working for the people not a party. Definition of party is the principle means by which the will of the people is made known to government and by which government is held accountable to the people. Obviously Obama and Hillary failed shamelessly. #MAGA
You had me until you said, Negro.
I think the phrase “your” leader is just as bad or worse, since it implies that if you didn’t vote for someone, you don’t have to respect their authority.
You had me till you mentioned negro.
I don’t know what liberal agenda you’re talking about. Everything Obama has done has come right out of the Republican play book. The liberal agenda has not started yet but it’s coming. It’s way past due.
you mean 8 more years of Obama and what rep supported obamacare
He should have kept his mouth shut. Maybe he’s a bit senile since he didn’t even let Justice Scala’s body be removed before he opened his mouth and spewed an inconsiderate and insane comment
We the American voter really don’t give a rat’s ass about what happened overseas. What we care about is what happens in this country! Enough about those stupid emails, already!
What about the Americans who were murdered because Clinton refused to send in troops? I care very much about them and their families
I care what this crook does
This lying butt whore will los!,’
I think the parents who entrust their sons and daughter to the military care about what happens to them while overseas, so “it makes a difference anyways”. If you understood what was in the emails you wouldn’t be so blind to protect Hilary for her misconduct.
I think you mean “You” as “an” American voter… You do not speak for “me” as an American voter. This voter cares very much about her obvious disregard for following the law regarding her email.
The eight and final reason is Hillary’s e-mail server and the trafficing of state secrets through that private server.
Do women really want hillary to represent their gender as the first POTUS?
Look what the mess obama has gotten us into, & he is the first “negro” POTUS.
After seeing the hatred that obama has for the USA I can’t believe anybody, who loves this country, will put hillary in there on his boot heels.
Yes, I am a little surprised that whoever compiled this missed the current criminal investigation. I would see your No. 8 and raise it to Nine. It is more than a non-accomplished record, as set out in No. 5. Hillary owns a record of deceit and scandal dating back to her years as Arkansas’ and then America’s First Lady. A refresher: http://nyti.ms/1khigBJ
they forgot one important thing. Clinton is dishonest!! She has lied repeatedly to a point where if people really look at here she is pathological. That is a big red flag. Why would anyone support a pathological liar who will say anything to anybody to get their vote and that she is just really a republican in disguise. We also dont want Clinton in the white house again to disgrace the presidency like he did the last time. She is just not a role model for any young person and that is the plain truth and young people are not going to vote for her period. She is all out for herself and no one else… I dont understand why people are even supporting this woman. I think america has gone mad…
If she wins we’ll get 8 years of more Clinton, then 8 years more of Bush, then Chelsea, then who knows.
She is completely untrustworthy. She is apparently not smart enough to know that when she says the Chinese are hacked everything that doesn’t move that her own bathroom is as stationary as anything on the Earth gets.
I just don’t get how she has survived other than Democrats hold Democrats to virtually no standards while they hold Republicans to unrealistic ones. The Republicans seem to be utter cowards, certainly Republican voters are no where near as forgiving as Democratic voters.
Obama managed to increase the reach of the Democrats by further expanding the dependant portion of the Population.
Joe you are correct. Hillary absolutely knew what was going on in Bengasi & she knew that her
emails were being sent illegally. I am totally surprised that our country is even supporting her.
I think that voting age should be not until 25. They need to work out in the public & see what is
really happening to our society. I have worked for over 31 years and I am so disappointed the
way our country has not supported the citizens, entitlement privleges, debt that we are in.
It is time that the working people who pay the politicians salary have a panel of them to get things done.
So you don’t want them to vote because you don’t believe they’ll vote the way you want. That my friend, is not democracy. Would you also raise the age for entering the military as well? Or is it still ok at 18. My son is going into the Navy right out of high school this year, he has just received his first voters registration card. You don’t think he should have a say in who runs this country. Are you ok with him dying for it?
There are none more blind than those who refuse to see.
I hope their close ties with China haven’t already made deals millions of other people are going to suffer for. China certainly gave tons of money to the Clintons. It’s also possible all the chaos is the result of Hillary’s open source Secretary of State practice. It’s impossible to know what she said in her emails and who read them and are currently operating from.
I have thought the same. But it is human stupidity that carries them towards such painful victories, more wars and more bought power. Education that focuses on unmasking lies is one way of fighting it. But of course, the poor get the worst education in this country so the playing field is tilted to dumb down the nation and push up the rich.
Mr.Boni, I happen to be from the home/death town of Bonnie and Clyde, in Denton, Texas. Unfortunately, it did not remain a small town thirty miles north of Dallas. The crime wave, just as it was in 1933, was based primarily on small losers doing stupid robberies because few people were employed. They both got killed, by hanging, on the town square. They were both young, Bonnie was a twenty-one, Clyde was in his young twenties. It was nothing then, it should be nothing now. Hillary is no Bonnie. A 73 year old queen versus a twenty one year old punk dirt bag who robs grocery stores is not even a close comparison.
I agree – way out there – no comparison
Jim your history is not correct, they died in a hail of bullets from a ambush in Louisiana set up by someone they thought they could trust, they were not hung, as much as they were executed , the only thing you got right was that they had kin in Denton and they also shot and killed two police officers in Denton that aside I think the comparison was that both Hillary and Bonny were criminals but in different ways.
True. Bonnie had more integrity.
Clinton COULD lose the nomination because she is a lying, backstabbing, narcissistic, megalomaniac. Hillary Clinton WON’T lose the nomination because she illegally controls the Democrat Party and the “FIX IS IN!” She has so many, so called, Democratic superdelegates in her pocket, already, whether she bought them, outright, or, has some “dirt” about them which ingratiates them to her, she has got a lock on the 2016 nomination, as firmly as illegally as Obama had a lock on the 2008 nomination. Some unexpected event could always upset so flimsay an “apple cart”, but that seems highly unlikely, here, unless Obama himself is the one to makes a play for totally Unconstitutional power beyond his 2nd Term.
I have to wonder when this was written. Since then, she’s won a lot of black votes, for starters.
It is very obvious the Democratic Party stacked the deck in her favor, the only candidate allowed to run against her should have been no challenge at all, yet she is barely winning in many places. The Republicans are trying desperately to remove her most powerful opponent, Trump.
I don’t know what she has on who, up until now it seems the FBI have been her most powerful allies, even if they didn’t meen to be. The Democrats did their best to give her the White House and the Republicans are falling in line.
One can only hope one of these 7 reasons or countless others keeps her from becoming the democratic candidate or much worse President.
Ms. Hillary will not be Mr. Donald Trump. If by chance Ms. Hillary win the Democrat nomination for President. Currently, that is very questionable. She lies too, too, much. Only idiots and ignorant people believe her. Only if Mr. Bernie Sanders is the Vice President can she win. Otherwise, she will definitely lose to any Republicans. Mr. Bernie Sanders is the only real honest politicians in the whole bunch, period. Think about it. Bernie has a lot of supporters. I will not vote for Ms. Hillary if she is the nominee. Have a nice day.
Sadly for us it will be between her and Trump. We are left with this sad choice. With that said, I rather have her in the White House four 4 years (she won’t win reelection) then a guy like a Trump that will damage the party for years to come. Face it, for republicans to put themselves in position to win general elections in the years to come, they must do better with minorities as they represent a growing portion of voters and it increases each election cycle. Trump damages this effort greatly. If she is elected I think the Republican Party will heal and come together in 2020 to beat her. You can’t win every election and sometimes you need to make decisions based on the long term health of the party as oppose to just one election.
Me too, I’d rather see her in the Ovall office than Trump BUT….All pools shows Sanders beating Trump by double digit (large number ) while Hillary beats Trump by a very low single digit .
My question to Hillary supporters … Really , you want to take a chance to put that Biggott , Warmonger, hatefull person and all the Trump qualifications in the White House. You want to take that chance only because Hillary the s a women…Really?..
Why they really want to win…
HILLARY: for her name to go down in American History.
to Obtain Vindication for her public shame from Bill and Monica.
TRUMP for his EGO
BERNIE SANDERS: He sees American Citizens Suffering and Hurting.
I really understand your choice for the sanders/warren ticket
Why they really want to win…
HILLARY: for her name to go down in American History.
to Obtain Vindication for her public shame from Bill and Monica.
TRUMP for his EGO
BERNIE SANDERS: He sees American Citizens Suffering and Hurting.
All pools shows Sanders beating Trump by double digit (large number ) while Hillary beats Trump by a very low single digit .
My question to Hillary supporters … Really , you want to take a chance to put that Biggott , Warmonger, hatefull person and all the Trump qualifications in the White House. You want to take that chance only because Hillary the s a women…Really?..
Wow, thousand of U.S citizens died in 911; 250 under Bill Clinton, 2 million innocent people died in Iraq under Bush, thousands died under Bush #1 and you’re worried about 4 people who died in Bengasi ? Bush #2 was on his Texas ranch for 60 days just prior to 911. Wow, NO ONE lost their jobs for 911 and Candy Cane Rice and the rest of them lied and lied and lied. Get real you really stupid folks!
I remember her bragging about the time when she, fresh out of college, helped people along the border in Texas register for the vote. Shortly after we found that there were 60 people living together in places like an abandoned gas station, as well as other places which were so obvious that any idiot would have suspected something. There was so much voting fraud in the Democrat controlled border towns in Texas that it took years for it to be exposed. New regulations have since been implemented to verify that voters are legal residents. Democrats really didn’t like that law and fought it tooth and nail and are constantly trying to get the rules in place to verify voters revoked.
if they entire Tea Party, Moderate and Right Wing Republicans which I’m sure came to the ballot box in full force in 2007 and 2011 couldn’t stop President Obama, not once but twice, there is no way they are going to stop the First Well Qualified White Women in American Republican.. Do what you can to save the House and Senate before it’s too late.
All pools shows Sanders beating Trump by double digit (large number ) while Hillary beats Trump by a very low single digit .
My question to Hillary supporters … Really , you want to take a chance to put that Biggott , Warmonger, hatefull person and all the Trump qualifications in the White House. You want to take that chance only because Hillary the s a women…Really?..
not rassmussen
And the ONE reason she will not be beaten…she’s Mrs. Santa Claus to the now majority in this country that don’t go to work in the morning and that part of the population now rules the roost. If you’re middle class just shut your mouth and pay your taxes.
Will you please go F—k yourself. Just back-off on the Lady. ok. Between Sanders the MAD PROFESSOR and Trump the Clown she will be our next President.
Go f___ yourself butthole…Trump will be President.
#8 Hillary is a pathologic liar
I am very disappointed. By New Yorkers as Any One , regardless of his or hers party affiliation, can see the Hunger of Power reflected in her eyes. BS ..she does not care of no one except her ambition to power and money. is it not clearly seen, she always talk the talk and different ones, depending her audience, she set the tune of what her audience want to hear ( perfect polititian) . But does she means what she says is another thing. So please don’t be fooled , and don’t vote just because she is a WOMEN , atherwise we will see Trump inside the Ovall office, and that would be scarier
You all have been listening to 20 years of Republican slanders on Clinton because she is a winner. Most of you won’t bother to fact check. Sanders will NOT be elected for many reasons: He is a Socialist using the Democratic Party to sell his ideas on “free Lunch” without any realistic way to pay for it. He joined the Democratic party in 2015 so he could use the Party since he couldn’t make it under the socialist party and his other groups. He is not Commander in Chief material, He filed for conscientious objector status during the Vietnam War. He is not an outsider. He has been involved in politics since his “hippy” college days and has never had a long term job and paycheck except from the government. Sanders is a “dreamer” and a pied piper leading you down the primrose path. He is not a leader. He has passed only 3 bills, 2 to rename post offices in Vermont and 1 for veterans finance. Helping to pass amendments is not leadership. By the way, we ALL want campaign finance change!! Fact check!
I don’t know any of you Hillary haters but I am willing to bet that you are all calling her a liar because your source is a Republican sound-bite taken out of context or you are repeating what you have heard the Republican Party leaders say, to incite idiots that they can use to spread their own lies and deceit. I can’t expect idiots to understand how the republicans deceive the public. Republicans are experts at communicating and executing an attack. They send out the lie/attack message stating time, who, what, when, where, why using every technological means available. Republicans repeat lies/attacks for days without deviation of verbal emphasis, until the public becomes carriers. When the mission is completed Republicans go silent while the public works the news media into frenzy and they are on to the next attack.
Could it be that you were so eager to believe anything to fuel your anger that you fail to consider why so many Republicans repeated an attack using the exact verbiage, tone and expression without an explanation?
Example: Day one of President Obama’s election, the Republican attack was “Make him a one term president”. They failed to tell you that while the President was being inaugurated many Republicans were meeting to plot the strategy for their attack. This method was so effective and efficient that it remains their tool of choice.
Seriously imagine your plight, if you were reported as a rapist or child molester by the person who envied you and the lie was repeated by 300 (thought to be credible) people. Perhaps without evidence it wouldn’t totally destroy your life but rest assured you would be arrested, damaged and guilty as charged will always remain in the minds of many.
I am not saying Hillary Clinton is a saint but what I am saying is that she is the most qualified candidate male or female running for office, according to the current standards used to prequalify anyone. She is in a male dominated field and even the republican men who know she’s most qualified war against her for the sake of their party or their personal gain, pact/guy oath. If you have never been an accomplished women, the first to successfully exceed all the prerequisites for president and infiltrated a resentful male dominated career, I think you have been become a Republican carrier of lies. Perhaps with no ill intent, you believe that what you read, saw or heard was true. Perhaps you are absolutely sure of what you read, saw and heard; however, if it was an original lie then you have absolutely believed a lie.
you are what I call stupid.
really rep playbook wheres obamacare in it
Under Hillary’s watch, $6 Billion dollars is unaccounted for. It is the
Washington Post , April 15, 2016. This money was used to buy US Government contracts and the paperwork has just disappeared.
Hopefully Trump will bring this matter up.
So far, this much we know about Hillary, she lied about failure to protect
Top Secret Government communications, she failed to protect
our foreign diplomat , Chris Stevens ( Murdered ) and she failed to protect
taxpayer dollars. She is unfit to be president and commander in chief.
I think she loses because she just lies too much! 8 years ago people were sick of lying politicians. Even republicans voted with crazy trump instead of the old bush, machine. Bernie can’t win because it’s fixed, but I think a lot of democrats des test her and refuse to vote for her. As one liberal democrat in her 60 s told me, ” I know what kind of ass I have with trump, Hiliary on the other hand is the same old lying untrustworthy corrupt poison we are sick of.” If the polls are right, except for holly weird , young people and minorities feel the same?
Hillary Clinton Exposed, Movie She Banned From Theaters Full Movie
Also, when she laughs she sounds like Woody Woodpecker
Hillary is Hitler’s unknown bastard.
and slick the son of sam?
How can Killery get jobs into this country when her fruit loop husband signed the NAFTA agreement to send the jobs some where else . She is a very evil person. She is the daughter of Hitler and if any one studied their history they know how Hitler suckered the people in and then murdered 6,000,000 Jews. She and Bill were in a scandal before they left Arkansas. They stole over a million dollars worth of furniture out of the WHITE HOUSE when they left. They screwed up the White House computer systems that cost millions to fix. They are laundering money through Canada. If people want to live in a socialist government then put Killery in and they will see what will happen to this country. SHE COULDN’T EVEN TAKE CARE OF BILL SO HOW DOES SHE EXPECT TO TAKE CARE OF THESE MILLIONS OF PEOPLE IN THE US OF A. ASK MONICA! ! ! !
Why does anyone think that the celebs are any smarter then themselves? I couldn’t care less on who they endorse. I wouldn’t listen to anyone. Listen to who you would think that would be better for the country. Pay attention to the problems that we have and the issues, and how they are going to be fixed.
Any bets Bernie does NOT have an accident or commit suicide?
Why is she still alive and not swinging from a rope after being convicted of the murder of four citizens in Ben Ghazi and giving away national security secrets for money to foreign interests.
Our country has slid a far ways down the slope into a cesspool of such criminal element where now millions through our former Sec of State, funneled through to our “President” control our foreign policy.
There was a time when the people of this country cared…………………………………………………….
Hillary Clinton is a complete criminal mastermind more accomplished than any of the Mafia or Cartel
leaders. In no other country would accusations against Trump hold water while Bill Clinton raped or molested 2,000 women, (by his own admission) while Hillary shut up any complainers, under threat of personal, financial ruin or death.