1) He has no idea what he is doing (1 of 10)
1) He has no idea what he is doing (1 of 10)
It had become apparent during the course of the first debate that Donald Trump clearly has no idea about what he was talking about. His lack of preparation for the debate culminated in him getting absolutely dominated during the debate. Hillary Clinton thrived and had clear-cut and concise answers to the questions while Donald Trump managed to make a fool of himself in front of millions of Americans.
While losing the first debate doesn’t mean that he has lost the election, the kind of humiliation he suffered at the hands of Hillary might not have gone down well with him. His ego has taken a bruising and he might actually be considering not going for the 2nd and 3rd debate.
I agree that Donald Trump should not participate in any more debates. They used sound and lighting to put him in the worst light ossible in thelast debate. They are rigged and they even rig the scene to make Hillary look bigger and better. That sets a precedent, and their Hollywood tactics help dupe the TV viewing public. The globalist media ithat owns the Democrat party is using the debates just to give Hillary some favorable exposure with scripted questions designed to steer the show awaiy from all her scandals and crookedness.
Probably the same thing Nixon said after debating Kennedy. Trump supporters are always worth a good laugh.
Here’s a tip to Republicans for next time the Democrats run a person for president that most people don’t really care for: Don’t decide to run the craziest person in your party against them. Paul Ryan beats Clinton easily. 8 years of trashing Obama and so much time to get a decent candidate ready and the best they come up with is Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and Jeb Bush??!? Seriously? 8 years of knowing exactly who the Democrats would run for president after Obama and the best they come up with is Donald Trump?????? Don’t even deserve the presidency.
Yeah. Endless excuses. Whining. Focus problems. Weight problems highlighted by his bizarre obsession with those of others. Trump is a 24/7 drama queen!
Trump told the WaPo he doesn’t read. Pathologically vain. It’s embarrassing to watch him.
The only one who has been duped is you, by the greatest con man ever to run for president. Hillary prepared for the debates and Donald didn’t. That, plus her experience, is why she kicked Donald’s ass and why she will do it again in debates two and three. Imagine a football team that does not practice. It loses all its games and then complains that the whole system is rigged! That is Donald . . . I am laughing my ass off at low information Trumpetts.
I’m going to take a photo of Hillary with her big, ugly mouth open and I’m going to put the top 3/4 of her face on the inside lid and paint the seat Hitlery-lipstick-red.
Okay, so what do you want for your 8th birthday?
I do not support Trump or Hillary, but the debate was CLEARLY won by Trump – this article describes the opposite of what really happened. They both lost, but Hillary lost much worse than Trump….
Hahahahaha, Donald says the same thing, that all the polls say he won. All the polls say that Secretary Clinton won. If Donald can’t stand reality, he just makes up his own.
what debate were you watching
That must be it. I am sure that Secretary Clinton’s eighteen previous one-on-one debates and all of her preparation and study, plus the fact that she is a seasoned lawyer and a law professor, has testified in a grueling 11 hour session before congress and negotiated countless times with other countries as Secretary of State, had nothing to do with it. Yep, facts, study and preparation . . . it’s all liberal media bias, because the alt right prefers to just make stuff up.
Gee, I wonder if the idiot that wrote this was the same idiot that wrote the 5 reasons why Trump wouldn’t be the Republican nominee?
It could have been worse. It could have been written by an idiot who thinks there is no difference between a Republican primary and a general election!
if he drops out he will be considered a loser, a welsher, a blowhard, and any other uncomplimentary word you can think of.
55% of the country already thinks that. Another 25% thinks that but just can’t admit it until after the election.
He is all of those things. He just makes up his own reality. He will continue to do so. The funny thing is, he really seems to believe his own BS. “My temperament is my strongest strength!” Bwhaahahahaha!
Poor ol’ Dump the Chump Trump. God ( of any religion ) help America and the World if this poor excuse for a man gets anywhere near the White House!
PLEASE, PLEASE don’t fall for this Alicia Machado conversation! (tweets)
Donald has figured out how to throw the attention off all of is illegal and immoral issues of his foundation, business dealings and foreign policies.
Talk about the things that makes him ineligible to be President of the United States.
Whoever wrote this article should be ashamed of themselves. Hillary didn’t win the debate. She was accused of powering up Iran. She didn’t deny it.
She was accused of letting Isis, rebuild., She didn’t deny it really.
She was accused of sleeping on the job during bengazi.
She has a long list of scandals and corruption including selling her postion for her corrupt foundation.
She accused a young girl of asking for it when she was assaulted by a sexual predator. Hillary has a record of being a scum.
Hillary Clinton lives with a sexual predator, bill Clinton. Hillary is so low she stays with this idiot for political gain.
All of that, and she accuses trump of taxes? And an argument with Rosie Odonnell? And you declare her the winner? Only stupid people think she won any debate. She did somemajor things, a lot of truly bad things and you just view who had the bigger mouth and calmer demeanor.
Everyone knows her temperament is atrocious. Look at her with Benghazi hearings? What difference does it make? Keep on thinking she won anything. What a laugh.
HER temperament huh? Seriously??? Yes, what a laugh.
Jake, you should fact check every single one of these things. It’s very clear you haven’t at all. It’s seems to me that Trump has his hand up your butt and moving your mouth to spew more of his lies. Facts are out there but you can either develop your own mind or follow the flock. You can fact check both Hillary and Trump. The truths are out there.
Donald IS a sexual predator. He has bragged of multiple infidelities. He is on his third wife and in no position to criticize someone who has remained in one marriage with all of it’s ups and downs. He raped a girl that was just 13. And Bill Clinton is not running for president, but Donald is. Donald is not only a corrupt fraud, he has been actively engaged in patently illegal activities for years. Whatever you think of Secretary Clinton’s ethical lapses, it is blatant hypocrisy to ignore Donald’s far worse offenses. To name just one, Donald’s “charitable organization” is a fraud. It has just been ordered to cease raising funds from the public and file the proper paperwork, which it has never done, to legally be considered a charity. Massive misuse of funds that others have donated will be brought out here. This is just the tip of Donald’s corrupt iceberg.
Hillary Clinton is an educated, seasoned politically savvy candidate for the presidency – a person with a pleasant demeanor, who has respect for those she interacts with, and she is NOT a blowhard, not self-absorbed in the extreme, and not inexperienced in high-stakes politics. She is NOT a total liar, unlike Trump, who lies constantly. She truly is the only candidate at this juncture who is qualified to serve in the role of the President. Trump just wants to be King of the Hill, so he can brag about how great he is. He is NOT Great – except in his own mind.
jake please how people think she just did her job whatever needs to be done here or abroad wasn.t her plans please no one needs be in the CIA to understand you do your job or simply you are fired so f….. easy
Trump was asked repeatedly during the debate what he would do to bring jobs back to the USA. He talked over and over about jobs leaving, but not about how to bring them back. Hmmm. I guess that might mean he would have to bring his OWN jobs back. He COULD have neatly outlined the reasons manufacturing has gone to Asia and Mexico and South America, COULD have been informative and pointed out what we might be able to do to counter this, but did he? Nope. He COULD lead by example, really make points with the voters he moans about as being out of work, and the states with high unemployment. He could make shirts and ties here, but hey! that would cut into his profit margin. Speaks with forked tongue.
The problem with both candidates is as follows they’re both extremely arrogant and arrogance has no place,. In a successful Administration. Humility is absolute power and without it there’s no great leadership.
— A good writer is unbiased and give a fair view of both sides of the story, then lets the reader decide, which is better …. the writer of this article is clearly biased toward Hillary, so isn’t credible. Doug Thompson. US.
This article must have been written by a ten year old. Under different numbers it repeats the same points three and four times using fourth grade vocabulary and using it defectively. Even the title is misstated. The piece isn’t about whether Trump won’t show up for the last two debates but gives reasons–or tries to–why he SHOULDN’T participate in any more debates.
That Trump lost the first debate and looked bad doing it isn’t Stop Press News!
On the plus side, some fresh points were made that I hadn’t heard before such as the damage to Trump’s net worth the campaign has inflicted. Interesting, if true. While “burning bridges” is a tired phrase and wrongly applied, it is true that offending some groups is an unavoidable by-product of entering politics and given he has zero chance to be elected it may not be worthwhile for one in Trump’s kind of business.
uh, but he didn’t tank the debate…even Hillary knows that.
Hillary has said she would educate coal miners and effected people to retrain in Solar and Inferstructure jobs. That has to make more sense than Black Lung and dying a mile under ground. Save the Earth, vote for the two people who are rebuilding jobs and the country.
It isn’t the days when Trump could pay off everybody who knew where his skeletons are. He is a problkem in even the NFL Locker Rooms now that dip shit coach endorsed him. He will follow Trump out of state after this.
The VP can’t be the brains behind a campaign, that was Pence starting to run for 2020 vs Ryan.
Vote vote vote
Here’s my 3 cents (including inflation). I’m not hearing all the crowd cheers anymore….it almost sounds like I’m hearing yawning in the house at Trump’s latest rally (or rallies).